LOCATION: Dave’s Auto Body, Green Bay, WI Owner: Jessica Senn
DRIVE Master Coach, Cassaundra Croel, offers a few insights to what went on and why:
“DRIVE Collision Top 20 meets weekly to review KPI’s, pertinent topics, and hold each other accountable on established yearly goals. We meet yearly to tour one of the member’s shop. The group gives feedback on workflow and customer experience. The Host shows the other members highlights of the area as well as other successful body shops and manufacturing facilities.
Overall, this group works to elevate each other, making each shop accountable to the standards necessary to be profitable. Collision is unique in it’s place in the industry, type of skillsets, and process of acquiring customers. Being a part of this group puts you in a commraderie that understands your scussesses and challenges and will hold you to the steps to move forward.
All collision shops interested can contact me or have their BA send their information to me. Cassaundra Croel / ccroel@driveshops.com / 626.210.3246″
The itinerary:
Dave’s Auto Green Bay, WI
9:00 arrive at Dave’s Auto for shop tour
Noon-1:00 lunch catered by Bread and Butter Catering
1:00-Presentation by Cassey
6:00 dinner at Plae Bistro https://plaebistro.com/
FRIDAY 9/12:
9:00-11:00 The Automobile Gallery walk-through tour, self-guided https://theautomobilegallery.org/
11:00 Tour production and processes at Copper State Brewing
Lunch at Copper State Brewing https://www.copperstate.beer/
2:00 tour Bergstrom Automotive Collision Center
5:30 Drinks and Dinner at Hotel Seymour Supperclub https://hotelseymour.com/
8:30 coffee and light breakfast
9:00-noon Profit and Loss analysis
DRIVE attendees: Shawn Bunting: Bunting’s Autobody; Jessica Senn: Dave’s Autobody; Kristi and Wade Wrightway: Wrightway Collision; Jimmy Holman: Earhart’s Collision
A BIG SHOUT OUT to DRIVE client and Top 20 Collision member, Shawn Goldthwaite of Bunting’s Auto Body of Atkinson, New Hampshire for the terrific photos! Much appreciated.