Giving their customers consistently quality and timely service!

MTR’s Eddie & Holly Lawrence
Mobile Transport Repair, has been in business for 27 years and counting. When Eddie Lawrence, owner of MTR, first opened his business he was a one man show. He would drive to whoever needed his help, thus the “mobile”. Now, he has a dedicated team of 14 employees that help make his shop what it is. As Eddie puts it, “Of everything, I’m the proudest of the team that we have built together over the years.”

Uplift Christmas Bike Give away
This shop is based out of Colorado Springs, Colorado and is a great addition to the area. Eddie is a member of a local group called Uplift, where he and other shop owners are able to give back to their community. This organization _. While he loves traveling and seeing other places, to him, nothing beats Colorado Springs. He says, “This is a beautiful city with great people.” When he’s not at the shop or helping his community, you can find him channeling his creative energy. Whether this be through playing his guitar or writing children’s books with his daughters.
As a fleet truck shop, Eddie knows how important a quick turnaround is. He and his team are passionate about providing quality service that can get their clientele back on the road as soon as possible. They understand that when a truck is stopped, money is stopped. Which is why they pride themselves on getting everyone back on the road and back to making profit.

The MTR Team
Speaking of money, Eddie’s advice to other shop owners is simple. “Find a great accountant, not a good one.” Making sure books are balanced is one of the most important aspects of running a business. You should be able to see where each cent your spending is going, and Eddie knows that. Everything you put your money toward should have a purpose, whether that be parts, payroll, or marketing – each area matters.

Eddie Lawrence when MTR first started
While being a shop owner can be difficult, Eddie believes there’s nothing like it. He says, “I love the freedom it gives me and the people I get to work with.” One perk of being an owner is your ability to network with your colleagues. There’s nothing better than talking to someone who understands everything you’re going through. Eddie says, “I love learning from other shop owners. They give me new ideas and I get to see what successful actions they’ve already taken.”
As a DRIVE client, Eddie has multiple opportunities to network with fellow shop owners. One place he does this is at the annual DRIVE EXPO. This past year he was awarded the Master Elite title. In his speech, he spoke about how his shop went from constant chaos to order after joining DRIVE. He was also able to change his mindset. Eddie went from thinking like a technician to acting like a business owner. He gained skills he otherwise wouldn’t have developed. He puts it plainly, “DRIVE has changed my life. They have given us the knowledge, ability, and confidence to operate a successful shop.”
When looking at MTR it’s obvious Eddie has put in the work to make his shop what it is today. From a one-man operation to a full team that show up and show out for his business. Here’s to many more years of success and happiness!
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Prepared by Chase Clough
Link to ShopOwnerMagazine profile
Link to Eddie & Holly’s Master Elite speech DRIVE EXPO 2023