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Managing Change DRIVE Workshop


Is there something in your shop that needs to be corrected or that you would like to improve?

Is there something you want in your business or life you’ve never had?

You must make changes if the answer to either of these questions is yes.

Our industry is going through rapid changes. You must adapt to those changes to remain relevant in tomorrow’s market. Every shop owner should be aware of the following:

  • What is changing now?
  • What is likely to change in the near future?
  • What is likely to change down the road?

You must change your business to meet changes in the industry successfully.

Unfortunately, change isn’t something that comes easily for individuals or organizations. According to one study (Towers Watson), 75% of organizational change initiatives fail.  The study also found that out of the 25% that seemed successful, the changes were not sustained over time in a quarter of those.

You may know people who object to any change.

Those are the reasons we created the Managing Change Workshop. Change management is a vital skill for any shop owner who wants to achieve their dreams. The better you are at it, the sooner you’ll realize your dreams!

This workshop teaches you how to determine what to change and what not to change, the importance of repetition, how to get employee buy-in, how to verify the results from a change, how to ensure the changes you make continue, and much more!

After extensive research and development, DRIVE has developed an effective change management method.  This method is called DRIVERSTM.

The DRIVERS change management method is Diagnosis, Revisions, Implementation, Verification, Empowerment, ROI, and Share.

The workshop teaches how to effectively use every part of the DRIVERS method to make necessary changes in your shop and achieve your goals!

If you are not rapidly achieving your goals, you need this workshop!

The Managing Change Workshop will be presented as an IN-PERSON workshop at DRIVE headquarters in Monrovia, CA starting Friday June 16th and concluding Sunday June 18th. Register today – CLICK HERE!

If you have any questions at all, please reach out to me. I think you’ll find this workshop very valuable.

Chris Scully / cscully@driveshops.com

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Kris Bullinger of Olympic Truck Service and Chris Scully talk about Managing Change on DRIVE FACEBOOK LIVE

Kevin Reichelt of Steller’s Garage talks with Chris Scully and Bob Spitz about Managing Change on DRIVE FACEBOOK LIVE